My Honest Review of the Total Wellness Cleanse
I have been receiving many questions about the Total Wellness Cleanse Program lately, and since I have been through the program twice myself (and I will do it again), I wanted to give you my honest opinion and what you can expect from it.
Some of the questions I got from my followers were: “But isn’t it just another online health scam?” or “How can I know I can trust this guy”, or: “I am not too sure if I can commit to a cleanse”, or” But Marta, you always say you are not a proponent of drastic cleanses and weird detoxes- these are your own words”. Well, in this blog post, we are going to dive deep into the philosophy behind the Total Wellness Cleanse and we will also “investigate” its co-creator, Yuri Elkaim. I hope that the information I present in this post, will help you make a decision so that you know whether this program is actually for, as well as when it’s the best time to commit to it and how to go about it.
Ok, first things first. Who created the Total Wellness Cleanse? Who is Yuri Elkaim?
Yuri Elkaim, (BPHE, CK, RHN), is a registered holistic nutritionist, fitness expert + health coach. He’s also a former professional soccer player and served as the head strength and conditioning and nutrition coach for men’s soccer at the University of Toronto for seven seasons. For more than 13 years, he’s empowered more than 86,000 people to greater health with his no-nonsense approach to health, fitness and nutrition. He’s made it his mission to empower at least 10 million people to greater health and fitness by 2018.
OK, Marta, but what about his real life experience? There are so many certified coaches and nutritionists out there.
As a teen, Yuri got affected by severe hair loss and autoimmune system conditions. The cortisone injections prescribed by doctors would not help him get to the root of the problem. He decided to look for the answers in the world of natural nutrition. This is how he discovered that all his problems were actually “food poisoning” and toxicity that has been accumulating in his body. He realized that his poor nutritional habits, like consuming lots of sugars, processed carbohydrates and all kinds of unhealthy foods were resulting in chronic fatigue, alopecia (hair loss), asthma and eczema.
He decided to turn his life around and reclaimed his health by changing his nutrition and this is what he is now passionate about- creating vibrant health through real foods.
Isn’t it just an expensive eBook? Can’t I find this information online for free?
No. This is not just an eBook. The TWC is a top-notch online program with videos, recipes, instructions and most importantly a community. There is always someone to help you and to guide you step-by-step. By purchasing this program, you will get access to a private Facebook group (that I am also a part of) where you will be able to share your journey with other people and connect with like-minded people interested in natural health and wellness. You will realize that it’s much easier to commit to something (especially to a cleanse like this) if you are surrounded and supported by a community. Besides, meeting new people is always cool.
As far as the price is concerned, you will need to check their website for more information, but to my knowledge, as for today, this program, is actually worth over $300, however it is currently deeply discounted. You can learn more about the special discount here. Personally, as an author and coach myself, I think this course is an excellent deal, and its creators put in lots of work and experience to create a quality program. So again, this is not just some eBook with recipes. Also, think how much you would spend if you were to work with a coach?
OK, so what is this cleanse about? Is it hard to do?
I won’t lie to you. You have to be committed, like to everything else in life. Honestly, this is one of the very few cleanses I recommend, because personally I believe that most cleanses and detoxes are not necessary. I also think that the Total Wellness Cleanse could be easily re-branded to the Total Wellness Feast. The course promotes real foods and basically it is like a raw food challenge to revitalize your body from the inside out.
Total Wellness Cleanse is a 30 day program, consisting of a 14 day cleansing phase, and another 14 days that go for a “maintenance” phase.
The first time I went through it, I committed to it fully and did the full 4 weeks (or something around it). At that time, my main goal was to lose extra weight (you know this stubborn fat that doesn’t seem to go away) and also change my relationship with food and get used to eating more “real foods”. I also wanted to learn more about my body and holistic nutrition as such. However this time, at the beginning of 2016, I only decided to commit to 10 days of cleansing, the main reason being that I had some business travelling scheduled. Also, at this stage of my life, I eat really healthy (plant-based, clean-alkaline inspired dietary lifestyle, with lots of greens) anyway and I just wanted to stop drinking caffeine (I was getting too hooked on green tea), energize myself naturally, and establish more raw food based eating habits. I also wanted to get more into the art of raw food recipes. So, as soon as I got back home after Christmas and New Year’s, I decided to commit to 10 days of the Total Wellness Cleanse and at the same time re-committed to daily meditation and self-Reiki healing. I wanted to give myself some time to re-focus and realign myself moving forward as I felt a bit burned out (I worked a lot in 2015 and I also started my own company).
My Results with the Total Wellness Cleanse
Even though, I only did it for 10 days, I am very pleased with the results and I am planning to re-commit to it again before April 2016.
Is this cleanse about going hungry?
This was my fear. Luckily, there is nothing to worry about. It’s not about going hungry. It’s more about changing your relationship with food. Yuri is an amazing coach (and cook) and shares with you dozens of amazing, cleansing alkaline-friendly, raw-food meals that you can eat on each day. You just need to work on your mindset- you need to switch to eating real foods, foods that are designed to help you glow and thrive and give you the energy you deserve.
Before going on a cleanse, you will need to prepare yourself. Preparation is the key. Unfortunately the program, doesn’t come with a home chef that cooks all the meals for you. This is my only complaint, lol!
My personal experience: committing to a cleanse like this, has made me feel much stronger- mentally and emotionally. During the cleanse, I reconnected with some of my old self-care practices (like for example aromatherapy massage, foot massage and I did a short course in reflexology and even hypnosis!). Whenever I had cravings for something that was off the list, I would accept my thoughts and say to myself: OK, you want it only because you are bored/stressed or need a treat. You can reward yourself with this healthy meal, or a nice shower, or a natural face mask. Switching to healthier treats is the key to success really!
During the cleanse I also drastically reduced my time online and stopped wasting my time checking my mobile (what a bad habit that was). Many people report similar, body-mind experiences. Eating right helps you think clearly and decide what’s really good for you.
Do I have to be super strong-willed?
You need to be committed to changing something in your life.
The course comes with many motivational tools like for example inspirational and success journals + help from its creators and the above-mentioned Facebook group.
Is the Total Wellness Cleanse really for me?
I believe that the program is available to anyone, regardless of age and nutritional habits. If you dreams of living a life free of low energy levels, unwanted weight and heaviness and are looking for long-term solutions- it is surely for you. Because of its holistic approach, anyone can undergo the program with the guidance of its creator. It’s all natural and there are no artificial supplements required.
I believe this program is best for those who strive for holistic wellness and better health but are afraid of the possible side effects of other programs in the market today.
My tip: consulting with your doctor before undergoing any kind of cleansing program is the wise thing to do, especially if you have any health conditions.
What’s the next step?
Have a look at the Total Wellness Cleanse page and read more about it (if you are not too scared- their page will make you question many of the unhealthy foods + habits that might be poisoning your body and mind).
I really hope that you decide to take care of your health in a holistic way and that my experience has given you a convincing argument to start this cleanse and transform your body and embark on a path of infinite wellness. You deserve to feel amazing, with unstoppable energy to get the most out of life. A cleanse that nourishes your body is a fantastic way to start. It can really change your life. All areas of it!
Get started today!
Learn more about the Total Wellness Cleanse here. It’s currently deeply discounted + you are protected by a 60-days-money-back-guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in”-Jim Rohn
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